On Outbeat Now! we featured an extended Outbeat News segment honoring this year’s Transgender Day of Remembrance with a look back at the Compton Cafeteria riots in 1966. The trans community has been literally been on the forefront of the LGBT civil rights struggle. Also, this coming week the United States Supreme Court will conference and decide if they will hear the appeal of Proposition 8 and four appeals associated with the Federal Defense of Marriage Act. No matter what the court decides, marriage equality is a hotly contentious issue. We featured part of a conversation that took place between journalist Dan Savage and the president of the National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown. These two opposites shared their respective views about religion and marriage equality. On the Outbeat Youth segment, Greg Miraglia talks with Jason Phillips, a young singer and song writer from Davis, California.  Jason is a wonderfully talented and gifted singer and song-writer. He performed two songs live on the show.
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